8 Amazing Benefits of Wet Cupping for a Better Lifestyle

I am sure that you might have heard about “wet cupping” or “Hijama” once in a lifetime. If not, no worries. We are here to help you.

So, before I start sharing the potential benefits of the hijama, let’s first look at what hijama, or wet cupping, is all about, and then we’ll dig deeper into its benefits.

What is wet cupping or hijama?

Wet cupping is one of the ancient therapies or treatments that originated in Chinese medicine. It was not just limited to China, but it was quite popular in Egypt as well. Cupping is also commonly known as “Hijama.”  Through the meridians, cupping therapy is able to stimulate the life force energy.

The cups used for cupping therapy are mostly made of glass. But, it is also made up of bamboo or plastic. The doctors of cupping therapy in Lahore would inquire about the patient’s condition first and then start the treatment. Before the Hijama specialist starts wet cupping therapy, he/she would apply the oil to the body of the patient. This would help the cups to easily glide over during the cupping treatment.

wet cupping

How Does Cupping Therapy Or Hijama Work?

Firstly, in order to remove the air and create a vacuum in the cup, a piece of cloth is soaked in the alcohol and is then lit on fire. The cups are then placed on the affected area or on the top of the meridian lines that are found on your back. Due to the vacuum in the cup, the skin is sucked into the cup. This suction would cause the blood from deep within the skin to be pulled out onto the surface of the body. The energy and blood flow are increased, and then it would lead to proper healing.

The Benefits of Wet Cupping Therapy

There are many benefits of wet cupping therapy that can have a positive effect on your body. I will be sharing the top eight benefits of hijama that you need to know.

1.Fast Relief From Pain

If you are suffering from pain due to arthritis, Then, here is some good news for you. Cupping therapy can help relieve lower back pain or pain due to arthritis. Wet Cupping can also help you with other types of pain, such as migraines, headaches, dental pain, sciatica, muscle pain, etc.

In the case of arthritis, cupping is done on the affected joint. Mobility and circulation of blood are improved due to wet cupping. For this reason, conditions such as lumbago, rheumatism, stiff shoulders, and neck can also be treated due to Hijama.

2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Relief

If you observe, our lives have become extremely fast-paced. Our lives have turned more like any other digital device. At one point, where technology has made life easier, it has also led to a sedentary lifestyle. We don’t have time for ourselves to rest and rejuvenate. Even if somehow we do lie down to get physical rest, our minds are overloaded with digital distractions such as laptops and smartphones.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can be triggered by all of these factors. This form of fatigue can be long-standing and would cause immense pain. Wet Cupping therapy is also effective in treating this condition.

3.Healthy, Glowing Skin

We all love healthy, glowing skin. right? But, how many of you know that it’s your inner health that highlights your outer skin? Cupping therapy not only improves the circulation of blood in your body but also helps to improve the supply of essential nutrients and oxygen in the body. This will ultimately be helpful in reducing acne recurrence and other skin issues such as cellulite, eczema, etc. Cupping therapy is also helpful in removing toxins from the skin as well.

Lung Disease Relief

If you are suffering from a lung disease such as asthma, bronchial congestion, chronic cough, pleurisy, etc., then even in those cases, hijama is beneficial for you.

Relief From Digestive Issues

Cupping therapy can also help in relieving the digestive health issues that are caused due to malnutrition, chronic stress, or any immune system response.

6.Urinary Disease Treatment

Cupping therapy is also used for urinary diseases such as kidney stones, abscesses, and urine retention. In the case of urine retention, it is treated by applying the hijama cups to the lumbar region.

7.For Relaxation Purposes

Cupping therapy is more than just a traditional form of therapy. It is in fact a form of massage. It provides comfort and relaxation. The improved blood flow and energy due to the cupping therapy is a good way to relax.

Improved and Fast Healing

You must be wondering how cupping therapy can heal you, right?! Well, using cupping therapy, the flow of blood is increased in the region that needs healing. When the energy and blood flow are increased, it will ultimately provide a relieving and relaxing experience.

Summing it up!

For most people, cupping is a great way to feel relaxed. Apart from this, there are numerous benefits of cupping therapy for your health.

I tried cupping as well when my doctor recommended it for hormonal imbalance. I can see the results for sure. If you are interested in cupping therapy or want to know about the thyroid profile test price, you can easily reach out to any hijama specialist for your customized treatment plan.

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