How to activate airtel missed call alert and how to disable it using easy USSD code

Are you tired of missing important calls because you were unavailable on your phone? Lets learn how to activate airtel missed call alert in easy steps.

Perhaps you were travelling to a remote area with no network coverage, or your phone battery died on you. Whatever the reason, it can be frustrating to miss out on important calls and messages.

Thankfully, many mobile network providers offer a service called Missed Call Alert. Safaricom provides such a service with its Airtel counterpart.

This feature allows you to receive notifications about missed calls and messages when you come back online. If you are an Airtel Kenya customer, you can easily activate this feature by accessing the voicemail service.

How to activate airtel missed call alert on Airtel Kenya

To activate Airtel missed call alert on your Airtel Kenya number, simply dial the appropriate number and hit the call button.


Once activated, you can rest assured that you will never miss an important call again. With this feature, you can stay connected with your loved ones, colleagues, and clients without any disruptions.

Airtel missed call alert

How to disable a missed call Alert on Airtel Kenya

To disable missed call alert on Airtel, you can dial 321881#. This will deactivate the missed call alert service on your Airtel network. Alternatively, you can call the Airtel customer care service and ask them to disable it for you.