How to fix Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response error on WordPress fully

Follow the easy steps below to get rid of “Not a Valid JSON Response” from WordPress. The “Not a Valid JSON Response” error on WordPress has been troublesome to some users.

How to fix the Json Response error

In the event that none of the steps outlined below are successful, the issue may be caused by an incorrect configuration on the WordPress hosting server. Most reliable WordPress hosting companies are able to help users with common WordPress issues like that.

What causes the “not a valid JSON response” error on WordPress? How do you solve it very simply step by step?

Failure to get a required response from the server creates the ‘Not a valid JSON response’ error on WordPress.

24 1 day

  1. URL Settings

    First things first, Not a Valid JSON Response can be solved just from the website address. The address must be the same as WordPress Address and Site Address settings and make sure are correct.

    Simply, go to the Settings » General page. Then, re-examine the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) fields.

  2. Permalink structure

    WordPress updated and bundled with SEO-friendly URL structure for human-readable URLs for your posts and page usage.

    To fix this, click on the Settings » Permalinks page, and carefully review the permalink options.

    Not a Valid JSON Response can also be fixed using the .htaccess file on the hosting panel.

    The .htaccess file on WordPress is used as a configuration file to manage SEO-friendly URLs (permalinks).

    Normally, WordPress can dynamically regenerate and update it. This can be triggered by updating permalinks. Just click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Settings » Permalinks page.

  3. Deactivate WordPress plugins

    Once in a while, WordPress plugins may clash with each other or the WordPress core. This could result in unexpected behaviour and could be a potential reason for the invalid JSON error.

    Click on the Plugins » Installed Plugins page. From here, select all WordPress plugins and then choose ‘Deactivate’ under the Bulk Actions drop-down menu. Now, click the Apply button to continue.

  4. Switch to Classic Editor

    If all the above steps fail, then the block editor may have some problems and temporarily switching to the Classic Editor for WordPress could solve the problem.

    This older version of the WordPress editor uses a simpler text editor and doesn’t rely heavily on REST API to get JSON responses.

    To use it. Just install and activate the Classic Editor plugin.

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