CoSchedule Headline Analyzer review tops among the best 10 free headline analyzers

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer review. Have you ever heard of the tool known as CoSchedule Headline Analyzer? The CoSchedule headline analyzer is one of the best analyzers out there, and any writer or blogger who writes online should use it.

What does the analyzer contain during analysis? CoSchedule headline analyzer is the best free analyser. 

What is CoSchedule?

CoSchedule is an online marketing management tool. But in this article, only the headline analysis is reviewed.

Headline analysis criteria and layout

The tool provides a score as well as some suggestions for creating a better and more compelling headline. Aside from the score, it provides a detailed report. It checks the title for the following factors.

  • Word Balance
  • Headline Type
  • Length Analysis
  • First Three, Last Three Words
  • Keywords
  • Sentiment
  • Google Search Preview
  • Email Subject Line Preview

Word Balance

The idea is to balance what is included in the headline that can evoke emotions. There are four types of words in the title to be checked.

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Emotional
  • Power

Length Analysis

There is a maximum character count that can be used for titles on Google and other search engines. The headline analyzer suggests using titles that are somewhere in the range of 55 characters and 6 words in length. Headlines need to be at least 100 characters long in order to be accepted by search engines.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer review

CoSchedule gives a sense for a better headline. People read the contents of any article based on the headline. However, you should avoid using clickbait headlines because search engines may penalize you for using them.

The headline must show what is included in the body of the article. CoSchedule is best at it.

Other Headline Analyzers

  • Advanced Marketing Institute Headline Analyzer.
  • Sharethrough Headline Analyzer.