Adipolo review for new Publishers ready to monetise sites -Adipolo ads

Adipolo review for publishers. Adipolo Ads reviews for publishers who want to monetise their sites.

We came to the conclusion that sharing the experience is worthwhile after testing some of the emails we received from the Adipolo advertising company.

Who is Adipolo? Adipolo Is an advertising technology company, based in the US and Tel Aviv, Israel and also is Google premium partner.

They have a powerful demand stack in addition to direct programmatic advertisers for both display ads (desktop and mobile) and video ads (instream and outstream).

Just like any other ad serving company, they have multiple ad formats that any publisher display needs.

Adipolo Reviews and intergration

Adipolo review on buying traffic (CPM)

Adipolo buys traffic and is ready to buy based on a CPM model.

They stated that the CPM is based on (the range of approximately $5-$15), and that the integration is easy and straightforward, similar to Google Adsense.

The company payment is based on the Ad traffic. The payment terms are Net 30 days.

“Working with us will uplift your revenue by more than 30%, ” said one of the representatives.

However, one of their clients was not satisfied with the approach and had resisted though it is a good verified company.

Adipolo review from publishers

“They spoke about integrating their video ads into my sites, and even though I don’t like spammers I thought I’d give it a try, why not.

“They sent me a code. That code doesn’t work. They did not send a commitment; they did not even require me to register on their website; I do not have access to any kind of dashboard or panel; they simply instructed me to include their code in my websites.

I inquired about the appearance of the advertisements as well as their operation. They answered with questionable answers like “we have different formats,” etc. “But they only sent me one code; I’m wondering how that code will look (if it ever works),” one of the clients explained.

Later, Adipolo officials contacted and guided the integration process.

But the client said that after testing the ads, their sales went up a little, but they couldn’t say by how much or what percentage.

Adipolo Review

  • The payment limit is not specified.
  • None has withdrawn from Adipolo
  • No proof payment
  • No concrete code for ads
  • No contract or commitment
  • No Minimum or Maximium traffic required