Kovu actress Trisha Khalid explains how net worth rose after striking Maisha Magic deal

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” He could not give me time to explore myself. However, that is just history, ” she said.

Ms Trisha Khalid who has grown to become one of the most popular actresses in Kenya. Trisha explained how she liked the character Ruby in the Maisha Magic series before becoming one.

Trisha Khalid character Ruby

At first, she thought it would be difficult for her, but she nevertheless took it up because she liked Ruby’s daring nature.

“I found her too much and too full of herself and high-maintenance in everything. It’s like she lived on the moon”

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“I admire her bravery and her spontaneous nature.” “It’s very interesting because taking risks in life is an essential part of living, and Ruby does take risks,” she explained.

Curvecious Trisha Khalid instagram photos

Trisha Khalid found it tough when it came to drawing the lines between herself and her new role (Trisha and Ruby), but the encounter has been impressive, and she loves it.

“The most challenging thing, this far, about playing Ruby has been trying to maintain her realities, which are a bit exaggerated in real life from my perspective as Trisha.

” Striking that balance between her world and Trisha’s has been quite a task but I have come to love it because it’s the challenges that make this experience exciting,” said Trisha.

However, according to the production media, her net worth has increased indefinitely crossing $500,000.